Its allowing yourself to feel that VA VA VOOM in side of you What ever age!
We all have it, yet we don’t show it
As we get older we tend to slip in to our set mood of “ oh I am to old to wear, look or be a certain way,……..RUBBISH……..that’s to do with social conditioning…..I say poppy-cock to social conditioning.
I had a customer come in to my boutique, she was 81 yrs old. .She was looking at all my vibrant clothes and saying, she was to old to wear my out fits. Then she started trying items on and said “ wow” I feel great in this. She allowed her SASS to enable her to feel and see the real her. So she brought the item and went on her way with a sexy and happy smile!
Learn to break your locked in mind sets, show your true you, show your SASS to the world, you only live once.
live life with colour texture and a whole lotta feeling.
All my love Emma xxxx